Medical Student Research Project Report Review By Adviser

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Please provide specific comments about the following information about the student and the project:

Did the student’s effort on this project meet the goals of the Penn State College of Medicine Medical Student Research Project, namely to ensure that each medical student gains an understanding of the research process? This understanding will be accomplished by participating in an original research project. As result, the student will appreciate the application of research to their future practice of clinical medicine. While our student’s involvement in every step of research from the generation of the initial research question, through publication is encouraged, our minimal expectations are that the student will articulate a research question, collect or extract data, analyze the data, reach an appropriate conclusion, and write a scientific report summarizing their work.

The intellectual property contained in the student’s MSR report will be made available for public access after student graduates.  If there needs to be a delay in access to accommodate pending patent or publication efforts, please select the appropriate embargo time below. 
