The COMmunicator internal news submission form

The COMmunicator is Penn State College of Medicine’s internal email newsletter for faculty, staff and students. We publish a regular edition each Tuesday. Occasionally, we will publish a special edition on Friday to communicate any urgent or time-sensitive items. 

The submission deadline for the Tuesday edition is the Wednesday before the publication date. (Ex: The deadline for the Tuesday, Feb. 21 edition is Wednesday, Feb. 15.) 

Please review our editorial policy here.

*The Office of Marketing and Communications is responsible for deciding whether an item is published and where/when it is published. We reserve the right to not publish a submission. Individuals will not be contacted about the status of their submission unless the editorial team requires additional information.

All events must be submitted to the College’s central events calendar before they will be considered for The COMmunicator. View instructions for getting access to/posting on the calendar here. Do not submit your event to The COMmunicator until you have posted it to the central events calendar.
Details of submission

Include all pertinent information related to the news item:
  • Cover the who, what, where, when and why of your item. What is happening or did it already happen?
  • If this is an event, please provide dates, times, location, registration link, etc., as well as the link to the event posting on the central campus events calendar at
  • Why does this matter to College of Medicine employees and/or students? 
  • Is this relevant specifically for faculty, students, staff or all employees?

If unsure, please email